Featuring: Rashida Bumbray, Ebony Noelle Golden, and Adia Tamar Whitaker. On February 25, 2014 audiences joined the founders of Ase Dance Theatre Collective, Dance Diaspora Collective and The Body Ecology Performance Ensemble, who have developed potent, virtuosic performance practices rooted in cultivating collectivism. In a field that is so often individualistic or product-driven, how and why are Rashida Bumbray, Ebony Noelle Golden and Adia Tamar Whitaker making contemporary performance work aligned with community building? Paloma McGregor, founder of Dancing While Black and Artist in Residence at Hemispheric Institute, shares the experience of these artists' work and vision. WHAT IS DANCING WHILE BLACK? Dancing While Black is an artist-driven effort developed by Paloma McGregor, who is also an Artist in Residence at Hemispheric Institute, to support and illuminate the diverse work and experiences of black dance artists through production, process, dialogue and documentation.