BDAC’s coaching program amplifies the creative capacity and leadership pathways for artists and culture workers by facilitating effective strategies and practices for artists, organizers and culture workers.

Whether you are emerging, evolving, or established, Ebony will push you to activate your intuitive brilliance in support of your highest creative capacities. If you want to break through to a more impactful presence in your communities and in your own life, our coaching program is perfect for you. It is designed to turn your ideas into impactive and purposeful action. 

Our Approach


We see coaching as a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize personal and professional potential. It is designed to facilitate the creation/development of personal, professional or business goals and to develop and carry out a strategy/plan for achieving those goals.

Ebony’s coaching program gives you:

  • A larger team of support so that you can live your best, most brilliant, boldest, most creative, liberated life

  • Transformative support for your creative projects

  • A safe space to be creative and take risks

  • Storytelling, life design and creative experimentation

  • Creative problem solving and vision cultivation

  • Personalized leadership development

  • Tools to activate your authenticity and growth as you navigate the pathway from your now to your next, regardless of where you are in the world and in your journey

How It Works

Each coaching relationship begins with a 30-minute consultation. During the consultation, Ebony will determine some high-level goals and outcomes for your coaching program. After the consultation, we ask that you sign up for a five-session package, so we can develop a trusting and productive relationship.

During each session, we will activate tools that help you get clear about what it means to live in alignment with your highest good. We will use our Getting to Whole worksheet to get clear about your now and build a strategy for your next.  As you continue to emerge and become, this tool will provide the substantive information you need to move forward. 

Sessions include deep listening, recommendations, and homework around the themes of purpose, passion, path, and profession. Ebony will also share share templates, resources and worksheets to deepen what happens in your one-on-one sessions.

Get Started

"Rituals for Artful Living" with Ebony Noelle Golden

Have you vowed to be more creative in your everyday life? Whether you are an artist, entrepreneur, educator or activist BDAC’s “Rituals for Artful Living” coaching program is for you. Each session is an interactive experience that supports your intuitive brilliance and creative capacities.

While booking one session is an awesome start, Ebony encourages you to book a package to support the building of a creative plan over the course of three or six months.

Payments are due 72 hours before each session.

No refunds are provided for late or canceled sessions.

Each session is 90 minutes.

The "Prismatic Art + Culture Worker" with Ebony Noelle Golden

The arts and culture sector is a vibrant place to grow a career path. Whether you are curious about serving as a arts or culture worker, new to the field or have years of experience, coaching can support decision-making and necessary pivots.

Essentially, the “Prismatic Arts & Culture Worker” is a one-on-one coaching experience for emerging to executive-level folks who are looking to build and sustain an authentic leadership practice in the arts and culture field.

While booking one session is an awesome start, Ebony encourages you to book a package to support the building of a transformative leadership plan over the course of three or six months.

Payments are due 72 hours before each session.

No refunds are provided for late or canceled sessions.

Each session is 90 minutes.