Ebony Featured on Recollect with Dr. Zelda Lockhart
About Recollect: If you are a Black Woman who is sick of the bullshit in society, and is sick of the way that it has impacted your mind, body, spirit and the generations before you, this podcast is for you. Especially if you are looking for the down-to-earth truth about how to remedy it all. Join me and other Black Women for moments of freeing ourselves from the ills of capitalism. We dispel the white-superiority lie, snatch back our stories and re-connect with the real system, nature. We laugh cuss, cry, talk real-talk. We share our stories and give each other advice, tips and ceremonies to Recollect.
Episode #1 Description:
December 18, 2021—Yep, you guessed it, it is a nice global warming seventy degrees out. Performance Artist, brilliant, beautiful one, Ebony Golden and I are at the big table at Her Story Garden Studios. We testify ourselves to revelations about letting go of systems (like nonprofit structures) that cut off the breath of the tree. She shares her work around “the edge effect” where disparate systems come together and make a whole new ecology. We talk about leaving your mother’s ecologies to go do what others think is impossible, but our Black womanhood knows is possible as long as people don’t go fucking with you. This is just Part One y’all. You are in for a treat for a couple of weeks because in this conversation and the ones to follow, we raise the dead, sing with them, we talk to who ain’t here yet, and we toddle on off to have a cup of sorrel drink and do our creative living work.
Episode #2 Description:
This episode is a continuation of my conversation with Ebony Golden as we make that pot of sorrel tea at Her Story Garden Studios and go in for answering the question of how do we know what we know creatively. We evoke an understanding that one must exfoliate the rules, listen to your dreams, be quiet without fear of death, ask the elders and spirit guides, and surrender to the ceremony. I ain't got much else to say except I need to listen to this conversation over and over as I recollect the things that need to be recollected at different times in my journey.
And of course, let me tell you about Ebony.